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Hair transplant clinic of Dr. Ziya Yavuz

Turkey, Istanbul

70 ratings, 1 review

years of experience of Dr. Ziya Yavuz

The clinic of Dr. Ziya Yavuz is a highly specialized hair transplant center headed by Dr. Yavuz, which has more than 5,000 transplants. He specializes in transplantation using Sapphire FUE and DHI methods.

Sapphire FUE

The method of extracting follicular units, in which doctors transplant grafts (bundles of 1-4 hairs) from the donor zone to the thinning area. The procedure takes place under NeedleFree local anesthesia and lasts 6-8 hours, depending on the area of ​​baldness.


The method is similar to FUE. During DHI, the specialist immediately implants the removed bulbs, while during FUE, the doctor places them in a special solution until enough hairs are collected.

Clinic doctors

Dr. Zia Yavuz Plastic surgeon Experience: 19 years

Patients' reviews

Marius Radu, 34 years Hair transplant with Sapphire FUE method

A friend was treated by Dr. Yavuz, the results amazed me. The operation was completely painless, everything is neat and comfortable. I am very pleased that I turned to a professional in his field.

Clinic address

Acıbadem, Acibadem Hospital, Tekin Sokak No :8, 34718 Kadıköy, Turkey

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Hair transplant clinic of Dr. Ziya Yavuz

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